Enon Montessori is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of parents, community representatives, and members of our staff. The Board has fiduciary responsibility for the school. Board members also set policy, do long-term planning, and help with fundraising.
Overview of Board of Trustees member responsibilities:
A school board sets educational goals and establishes policy for the school system based on state laws and community values. Perhaps the most important responsibility of a school board is to employ a treasurer and hold them accountable for achieving those educational goals and managing the day-to-day affairs of the school in accordance with the school board’s policies.
Board members make decisions on a wide range of issues, such as hiring and evaluating a treasurer; setting school policy; planning student services; goal-setting and long-range planning; adopting curriculum; establishing budgets; engaging parents; and being good fiscal stewards. Decisions are only made by the board as a whole at a public meeting.
The role and function of board members often are misinterpreted by the public. The board is a policymaking body, and members are the chief advisors on the operational aspects of the school. Board members do not manage the day-to-day operations of a school; they see to it that the system is managed well by professional administrators.
Board members may be consulted during the hiring process for other positions.
Eligibility requirements
Board Members are elected every 2 years at a board meeting at the end of the preceding school year. There is no term limit for board seats.
​​Board Meetings
All board meetings are open to the public, with the exception of special executive / closed door meetings. Board Meeting calendar is available upon