Volunteer Opportunities
There are several ways you can volunteer your time to help out Enon Montessori. Below are a few examples.

Parent Involvement
Enon Montessori offers parents a variety of opportunities to learn about their children’s work and the Montessori approach to education. These include:
Do you have a special talent, skill or an area of expertise that you are willing to share with our students? We welcome your involvement!

Board of Trustees
Enon Montessori is governed by a Board of Trustees composed of parents, community representatives, and members of our staff. The Board has fiduciary responsibility for the school. Board members also set policy, do long-term planning, and help with fundraising.
Parents and community representatives are elected at a parent meeting at the end of each school year. They serve two-year terms and can be re-elected.

Join a Committee
Parents are invited to join one of our school committees that work to assist and organize events, improve facilities and promote Enon Montessori. These committee’s include:

Building & Grounds -
Lawncare, painting, woodworking, gardening . . .

Fundraising & Events -
assist the fundraising chairs in planning, seek donations and host events

School expansion & Marketing -
Help get the word out about our school.
Thank you!
Enon Montessori genuinely appreciates the many ways our current families, alumni, friends, and local businesses support the school – by donating their time, energy, skills and financial contributions.
If you are interested in volunteering, please let us know.